in a Virtual Space
Combining technology with the most effective jury consultants in the industry.
Record verdicts don’t just happen. Even the greatest trial lawyers in the country need and rely on jury research conducted before and during the trial. We know that getting the most reliable results with which to craft our stories, perfect our exhibits, and find our most compelling arguments is invaluable and essential to our
But traditional focus groups can also be extremely expensive and unduly stressful. Traveling to a remote location, finding a suitable venue, and the recruiting and feeding of suitable mock jurors can become costly and time-consuming. We knew that there had to be a better way, and we dedicated our time, resources, experience, and out-of-the-box thinking to creating Virtual Courtroom.

Creative Minds
Make this Possible
How Does it Work?
Virtual Courtroom was put together by the creative minds of experienced trial lawyers and two of the top jury consultants in this industry: Sonia Chopra, Ph.D. and experienced trial attorney Lisa Blue, Ph.D. As essential parts of some of the most successful trial teams in the country, Sonia and Lisa extensively researched the field and every type of survey program to come up with the most effective tools to enhance the virtual experience for the jurors and the attorneys. Our own in-house national recruiting firm locates and pre-screens qualified mock jurors from every jurisdiction. Mock jurors and attorneys are given easy-to-follow instructions and videos on the use of the technology before the focus group begins.

Meet our
Winning Team
The exorbitant costs and inconvenience associated with traditional focus groups often prevented some trial attorneys from utilizing this invaluable research tool as much or as often as they should. We knew there had to be a better, easier, and more cost-effective way to conduct jury research and prepare for trial. We worked with the best trial lawyers and most effective jury consultants in the country to create this unique service. Virtual Courtroom allows jury consultants, trial attorneys, and mock jurors to stay in the comfort of their homes or offices. As a result, the mock jurors are more relaxed and speak more candidly than in traditional focus groups — yet also become a part of the group dynamics during deliberations. Our expert technologists created an effective Observation Room for trial attorneys, clients, and guests to observe each juror’s reactions at all times. Work with our expert team to run multiple Virtual Courtroom focus groups in a single case efficiently, conveniently, and for a fraction of the cost.
Virtual Courtroom
Service Tiers
We adjust each focus group to meet your needs and your budget. Our internet trial surveys start at $4,000.00 and our virtual remote focus groups start at $6,000.00. Customized focus groups involving multiple groups of jurors, involvement/input of our jury consultants, Athea Lawyers trial attorneys and Slide Girl services are also available. Our range of focus group services is customizable to any scale of project from theme development discussion groups to full scale mock trials with multiple panels of deliberating jurors. Please contact us for more information and pricing.
For more information, contact us at: (800) 218-1383 or [email protected]

Internet Case Study
Service Tiers
We can also perform traditional online trial surveys using large sample sizes, which can be useful for developing jury selection profiles and testing the impact of a specific piece of evidence or argument. A summary of your case, including facts and arguments, exhibits, demonstratives, and even videos are submitted to online “mock jurors” in any jurisdiction, who review the materials and answer questions (multiple choice and essay). Our state-of-the-art technology enables you to see results in an effective manner.

Get Started
If you are interested in being a Virtual Courtroom juror or if you’d like to schedule a Virtual Courtroom session for your next case, please contact us!
Get in Touch
44 Hermosa Avenue
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
(800) 218-1383
(310) 421-0011